Fun Actors That Sing!

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Pierce Brosnan-t.jpg

Who would have thought that so and so can sing!

Oh, wait a minute....

Maybe they actually can't!

(But, to be fair, some of them really can!)

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I actually feel that Shatner should have been cast in the upcoming Queen flick as Freddie.

We have been robbed.


Member: Rank 6
I first heard Gwyneth Paltrow sing on Glee (don't judge me) and I'd absolutely buy an album of hers if she released one.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
John Carradine Sings!

In an effort to give an opinion to that age old statement that "Great Actors are never Great Singers" I offer up this little ditty in which the great character actor John Carradine sings the love song from the always to be forgotten "Red Zone Cuba." After hearing Mr. Carradine's rendition, you be the judge. Enjoy!
