Review Breaking Bad (2008)

The Seeker

Member: Rank 6
That was a good show. Nice character progression for Walter. He started off kind of benign (still kind of an asshole) and ended the series damn near a psychopath, but still sympathetic. Really his pride was his downfall. He could have taken the offer to join Gray Matter. It was his company after all. That would have solved all his problems. So see, it wasn’t so much desperation as hubris that drove him.

There was so much hate for Skylar! She kind of whipped him, true. But there was hate because initally she rejected his scheme. And that was a sensible thing to do, considering how he ruined their lives. She should have divorced him, but I guess she was kind of financially dependent on him. She had a newborn after all, although she was able to work (but what would have she done when that kid became a toddler). And she still had a teenager who she might have to help put through college.

Jesse? He was supposed to die in the first season but his chemistry with Walt was so good they kept him. He was a wonderful character and his friends were so funny. I kind of turned on him when he turned on Walt, because his protesting the use of that 12-year-old in a gang led to a lot of trouble and Walt was just doing what he needed to do. Not that there’s really any excuse to poison a child (especially as he could have died) but Jesse forced him to do something extreme. And he was willing to burn down Walt’s house and kill a baby.

Hank started out as a real asshole, but became more likable when he transferred and found himself sort of over his head. His instincts were still right because he was a good cop. If they could have gone a sixth season, his cat-and-mouse game with Walt would have been more subtle and drawn out. But even if he was sort of the “villian” he was pretty much doing his job. I thought he died with some dignity and honor.

I wonder how accurate the science was in this series. They did some pretty elaborate things. I read that pure meth can’t possibly be blue - it’s clear. Still some good theatre though.