Catweazle Episode 17-THE SIGN OF THE CRAB ( NEW TRANSCRIPTION scene by scene))


Member: Rank 8
In Duck Halt, the abandoned railway station that is home to Catweazle, he is reciting the rhyme, the flying spell he translated from the cellar of Kings Farthing, written on the wall by Cedric's great grandfather.
CW " twelve are they that circle round, if power you seek they must be found. Look for where the 13th lies, mount aloft the one who flies. Today I search for the sign of the crab"
Cedric enters waiting room carrying a plastic shopping bag.
CW " morning Owlface "
Cd " morning Catweazle "
CW " what has thou brought me?"
Catweazle rummages in bag.
CW " carrots, bananas, cheese."
Cd " can't stay long, I've got to get back"
CW " aye, I must get back too"
Cd " home I mean, not to Norman times"
Catweazle continues to pull out food from bag, while Cedric picks up Catweazle's magic book.
CW " eggs....butter"
Cd " what is this book exactly?"
CW " all the magic, it is the key of Solomon. Spells, charms , curses, invocations, potions, how to make rain, raise whirlwinds, find treasure"
Cd " what about the lost treasure of the Collingfords, reckon you can find that?"
CW " er....nay"
Catweazle unwraps some newspaper to reveal a crab, and is overjoyed.
CW " ah..see!! The sign of the crab, I thank you Owlface."
Cd " give it's not for you."
Cedric grabs crab back.
CW " tis the sign I seek"
Cd " you ought to be ashamed of yourself."
CW " jackdaw! It was I that found it."
Cd " that's not finding it's stealing. It's time you knew the difference."
CW ( angered) " thou are not my brother."
Cd " we are having this for lunch."
CW " get thee hence"
Cd " alright I will, you're spoilt, that's you're trouble, you're completely spoilt."
Cedric walks towards door,
CW ( shouts)." SCALLION!"
Cd " no more stealing."

Meanwhile in the sitting room of King's Farthing Inspector Pugh from the local constabulary is making notes in his notepad as he questions Lord and Lady Collingford, Cedric's parents about a burglary at the residence.
P " where was the stolen property?"
LC (points to mantelpiece) " over there Inspector"
P " I see, can you give me a full description?"
LC " yes of course, the big one stood in the middle, it's got two handles, one on each side, one with a dent in it, then a silver bowl thing on the right."
LyC " no the left dear, the candlestick was on the right, next to that creepy looking inkwell."

Inspector Pugh stops his scribbling looking weary.
P " forgive me, I do have to give an accurate description, I can't put down creepy looking inkwell. "
LC " no of course you can't Inspector, do try to be accurate Dotty darling."
LyC " yes dear, shall we start again."
LC " very well, and then two County team awards next to them"
LyC " large silver goblets."
LC " then four individual awards next to them."
P " forgive me showing my ignorance, what were they all for?"
Lord Collingford is taken aback, surely everyone knows!
LC " what d'you mean, what were they all for, they were for croquet of course."

Cedric is in the grounds of Kings Farthing heading back home when the Housekeeper Mrs Gowdy appears.
MG " Cedric "
Cd " hello Mrs Gowdy"
MG " come on , they want to see us."
Cd " who?"
MG " the police."
Cd " the police?!"
MG " yes, we've been burgled."
Cd" when?"
MG " last night, everything's gone from the sitting room mantelpiece, the cups, the candlesticks, even that nasty old inkwell"
Cd " what nasty old inkwell?"
In the sitting room Inspector Pugh carries on with the interviews.
P " now Mrs Gowdy, you discovered the theft?"
MG " that's right Inspector, after breakfast when I came to see to the room"
P " I see, did anyone call at the house yesterday that you do not know?'
MG " well, there was an old tramp."
Cedric immediately thinks....Catweazle
Cd " an old tramp!?"
LC " sssshhh"
P ( to Mrs Gowdy) " go on"
Cedric runs out of room saying, " excuse me"
P " did he cry?"
MG " cry? As a matter of fact he did"
P " Tearful Ted."
LC " I beg your pardon?"
P " Tearful Ted, alias Sam Thompson, one of the cleverest thieves in the country."
LC " good heavens."
P " always works in a disguise, milkmen, tramps, sometimes even policemen."
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Member: Rank 8
A man in his thirties, straggly ginger haired, looking every inch a tramp, runs onto the platform of Duck Halt, and into the waiting room, surprising Catweazle.
CW " get gone!"
It is Tearful Ted carrying a sack containing the stolen silver from Kings Farthing
TT "eh?"
CW " hence, it is my castle"
TT " do you live here?"
CW " be gone or I'll blast thee"
TT " steady on, I didn't know it was your gaff, I was just looking for a place to kip."
CW " gaff!? kip?"
Ted sits down clutching sack and starts to cry.
TT " I've got no one in the world you see, no mates, nobody. ( blubs) It is very hard when no one understands you, no one to help you when you're down and out."
Catweazle isn't sympathetic,
CW " thou blubbering blowfly, thy will turn the milk. What wet eyed wiffler is this Touchwood?"
Catweazle points to sack,
CW " what has thou got there?"
TT " it's all I've got in the world brother."
CW softens his stance,
CW " brother? My brother in magic? Does thou follow the mysteries? Does thou make magic?'
TT " er......oh yes for sure, I've been at it for years."
CW " and I, 900 years"
TT " ( humouring)" 900, really, well well, you don't look a day over 65."
CW " has thou magic in thy sack?'
TT " yes that's right."
CW " will thy show me?"
TT " er, no no, I better not."
CW " demons?"
TT " that's right, it's full of them, little green ones, very nasty."
Catweazle suddenly is alarmed and hisses.
CW " tttsss, tttssss..someone comes."
Tearful Ted looks out through the crack in the door, Cedric is running onto the station platform, Ted runs over to the back window and starts climbing out.
CW ( holding sack)" what about thy magic.?"
TT " hide it, I'll collect it tonight. Don't open it"
Catweazle gingerly hides sack among the junk piled up in this disused waiting room.
CW " nay brother, Demons."
Cedric enters looking seriously glum.
CW " Owlface?"
Cd " alright where are they?"
CW " what sayest thou?"
Cd " you know what I mean."
CW " nay"
Cd " don't fool me, you broke into King's Farthing last night and took Dad's cups"
CW " cups?"
Cd " yes I knew it was you when Mrs Gowdy said about the old tramp."
CW " huh?"
Cd ( shouts) " now hand them over, the cups"
CW " cups?"
Catweazle gets two mugs and offers them to Cedric.
Cd " don't try and fool me, the silver cups."
CW " silver cups? Oh aye.."
Catweazle next offers Cedric an empty sardine tin. Cedric is not amused.
Cd " alright if you won't own up"
Cedric searches the waiting room , rummaging around the junk.
Cd " it's no good Catweazle, this time you've gone too far."
Cedric spies the sack, Catweazle grabs it.
Cd" give it to me"
CW " it's not mine to give"
Cd " I know it isn't."
CW " it is my new brother's, I have done with thee."
Cd " what are you talking about now."
CW " he bade me to guard it. Do not open it, inside are little green demons."
Cd " you'll have to do better than that "
Cedric opens sack and pulls out large silver challis, then other items of silver. Catweazle looks perplexed, Cedric realises the truth.
Cd " you really didn't know? You didn't steal them?"
CW " nay."

Back at King's Farthing, Pugh and Lord Collingford
P " you see my Lord I understand the criminal mind"
LC " oh do you?"
P " our job isn't it?"
LC " yes I suppose it would be"
P " you take Tearful Ted for instance, it has been known for him to do the same place two nights running"
LC " beggar's got a nerve!"
P " indeed he has My Lord indeed he has. He might come back tonight you see just when you're not expecting him."
LC " how very alarming."
P " but we shall be."
LC " shall be what?'
P " expecting him"
At Duck Halt Catweazle angered by events.
Cd " don't you see, if you were caught with these you'd be sent to prison, locked up, and the real thief goes free."
Catweazle opens his magic book,
CW ( angry) " I will raise demons, he will be blasted by the 77 plagues of Adremilik"

At King's Farthing,
P " well I'll leave two of my men on look out tonight and I'll keep an eye out myself"
LC " that's very good of you Inspector "
P " well we might catch him red handed, oh by the way, leave a window open."
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Member: Rank 8
Back at Duck Halt,
CW " he shall not hoodwink me again, I know him now"
Cd " listen I can't take the stuff back now, they'll ask too many questions. You'll have to bring it back tonight."
CW " huh?"
Cd " it's the only way, come about midnight, I'll leave a window open"

It's nearly midnight and Cedric in his pyjamas runs quietly down stairs to open a window for Catweazle. He is the hallway when a torch light shines in his face.
Lord Collingford, Charles, is there,
LC " Cedric?!"
Cd " Dad?"
LC " what an earth are you doing here?"
Cd " erm..I was hungry."
LC ' you're always hungry "
Cedric notices Charles holding a wooden club like stick with a rounded top.
Cd " what's that?"
LC " a knobkerrie, look get yourself some cake or whatever then back to bed."
Cd " what's it for?"
LC " Tearful Ted "
Cd " who?"
LC " the burglar, Inspector Pugh thinks he may try again tonight."
Cd " WHAT!! You didn't tell me"
LC " sssshhhh, don't wake your Mother, I haven't told her yet either."
Cd " why?, what's going on?"
LC " well we've set a trap, left one of the sitting room windows open, Pugh's outside somewhere "
Cd " where?"
LC " I don't know, just lurking somewhere. He's got one of his chaps with him."
Cd " why didn't you tell me?"
LC " we thought it better not to. Go and get your cake, and don't turn the lights on."
LC " where are you going now?"
LC " on patrol, you, cake and bed"
Cd " can I come?"
LC " absolutely not, goodnight."
Charles runs off, Cedric concerned, Catweazle is due soon, and the police are around.
Cedric runs into sitting room, sees open window and closes it, he doesn't want Catweazle getting in now with the stolen stuff. In the grounds Inspector Pugh is on patrol. He whispers forcibly, in the middle of the beautiful garden surrounding the house.
P " Williams?"
A uniformed officer pokes his head up from behind a bush.
P " oh good, you remember don't you?, one blast on the whistle, he's inside, two, outside, three front, four back. Have you got that?"
Williams nods,
P " good, now off you go"
Pugh walks off, unseen nearby is Tearful Ted in his tramps disguise.

Meanwhile Catweazle on his tricycle arrives in the nearby edge of the woods, close to King's Farthing, he dismounts carrying the sack of stolen property.
Tearful Ted has removed his wig, to reveal a short classic haircut, and he is now in police uniform. At his feet is Williams, bound and gagged.Ted moves off to towards the house.

Cedric has crept outside looking desperately for Catweazle to stop him coming. Inspector Pugh turns the corner and sees Cedric, who quick wittedly pretends he is sleepwalking. Arms outstretched in front of him, Cedric does an about turn and walks off fake sleepwalking, Pugh follows.
Around another corner of the mansion, Cedric quickly runs for cover behind garden furniture. Pugh turns corner, and walks straight passed the hiding Cedric.
A police car is parked on the driveway, another uniformed officer awaits.
P." Davidson did you see the boy go by?"
Davidson shakes head,
P " he's walking in his sleep, if you see him, don't wake him, bad for him you know."
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Member: Rank 8
Cedric turns corner and collides with Catweazle who lets out a shriek of alarm.
Cd " be quiet, quiet, come on"
There are hiding in a little yard outside the kitchen entrance.
Cd " the place is crawling with police, Dad's on the warpath."
CW ( anguished) " let me go"
Cd " quiet"
Pugh walks by , not seeing them, and walks off round the property.
Cd " you got to help me put the stuff back, come on"
Tearful Ted is very close by, in uniform looking to break cover of the bushes and enter house.
Cedric and Catweazle enter sitting room.
Cd " put everything up there ( mantelpiece), I'll keep watch"
Ted is standing by window about to climb in, but before going any further gets the whistle and puts it up to his lips. He overheard the code, he blows, two whistles, a gap, then three whistles, sending the police off in wrong direction.
Pugh nearby,
P " outside...front"
He runs off as Ted enters property.
Cedric hearing whistles pokes head out of sitting room, only to see Charles.
LC " I told you to go to bed....(hears whistles)..outside front"

Charles runs off, Cedric goes back to Catweazle,
Cd " get out through the window."
Cedric leaves Catweazle confused as hell goes over to window.
Outside Pugh ,Charles and Davidson meet up, they run off to where they think Ted is.
But Ted actually is sneaking into sitting room, holding torch. Catweazle hears him enter, moves over from window, and is framed in torchlight.
TT " stone the crows...what are you doing here?"
Catweazle pulls out Adamcos his knife,
CW " who art thou?"
Ted smiles realising Catweazle doesn't recognise him.
TT " oh , erm PC Williams Elderford police, you can put that knife away lad."
Ted spies the sack of treasure he stole.
TT " what's this?"
CW " it was filched from this place by a ragged varmint."
TT " oh is that so?"
CW " if he shows himself just once more he'll be blasted"
TT ( smiling)" will he?!"
CW " he tried to trick me, but I was too clever for him"
TT ( humouring) " were you indeed?"
CW " silver tongued snake!"
TT " what about these valuables?"
CW " I have come hither to return them."
TT " I'll give you a hand"
CW " nay, not for ten hands shall ye have them"
TT " no I meant I'll help you put them back, then you can go home."
They start putting silver cups and goblets back on mantelpiece.

Lady Collingford, Dotty, is awake and on the landing sees Cedric down in the hall.
LyC " Cedric what an earth is going on, where's your father?"
Cd " it's the burglar "
LyC " don't be silly Cedric that was last night."
Cd " he came back, Dad's gone to catch him"
LyC " catch him, where?"
Cd " in the front apparently, Inspector Pugh is with him"
LyC " with the burglar?"
Cd " no, Dad"
LyC " I think it's all very childish, all this running about blowing whistles. The only thing your father will catch is a cold. Now Cedric, bed."
Ted and Catweazle finish putting stolen stuff back, Ted wants Catweazle gone so he can steal them again.
TT " okay lad run along, I'll carry on from here, let me show you out."
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Member: Rank 8
Ted leads Catweazle to window, as a disappointed trio of Pugh, Charles and Davidson meet at front door.
P " I'm sure we'll get him one day sir."
LC " well I hope I'm on the magistrates bench when you do."
P" Davidson, you better get Williams. You never know sir those cups may turn up eventually. Anyhow we've probably stopped him taking other stuff."
LC " I hope so, goodnight "
P " goodnight sir, I should lock up if I were you sir."
Ted is pushing Catweazle out of the sitting room window.
CW " I have the bone ache"
TT " come on out you old idiot."
As Catweazle climbs out, Davidson turns to see, he blows on his whistle. Tearful Ted realises he needs to scarper leaving his haul.
Pugh had reached his car when he hears more whistles,
P " outside..back"

Catweazle runs back into house looking for another way out.
Tearful Ted has reached front door but it's locked. Charles runs up thinking he's one of Pugh's men.
LC " sorry, just locked it"
He opens door for a smiling Ted and starts to follow him out, until a restraining hand stops him.
TT " no its okay sir, I'll go."
LC " hope you catch him"


Pugh is outside,
" Williams? Williams where are you?"
Suddenly Pugh trips up, over the bound and gagged Williams and ends up on the ground.
P" Williams?!!"
Housekeeper Mrs Gowdy is on landing with Dotty.
MG " are you alright my lady?"
LyC " I think so Mrs Gowdy"
Meantime Catweazle desperately trying to get out creeps onto the landing, sees Dotty and Mrs Gowdy and backs away and accidentally knocks over a bronze freestanding but empty plant pot.
Charles hearing this runs to investigate thinking the noise came from downstairs, passing Dotty looking down from landing.
LyC " Charles?"
LC " in a minute Dotty darling "
MG " what is going on?"
LyC " I really don't know, I'm hoping to be told eventually "
Charles creeps gingerly into sitting room ,Pugh is there with torch, the torchlight sweeps over the mantelpiece.
P " Crickey"
LC " no, croquet Inspector, it's magic but how?"
All the silver is back on display.
P " Tearful Ted, it must have been him, he's repented at last "
LC " amazing "
On the landing,
Mrs Gowdy, " shall I see what's going on my Lady"
LyC " no thank you, all that whistling, it might start up again. I wonder if other people have such noisy burglars."
MG " shall I make a pot of tea?"
LyC " no thank you Mavis, you go off to bed, all I want is for the Elderford police to go home."
Catweazle still here on the landing hiding behind a pillar, trapped hoping to get down the stairs and out.
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Member: Rank 8
Charles runs into hall, calling up,
LC " Dotty darling the cups are back"
LyC " I know I may be in need of sleep but I thought you said the cups were back."
LC " I did, the croquet cups isn't that fantastic. Tearful Ted must have brought them back"
LyC " how kind of him, that's marvellous."
LC " the only thing missing is that creepy looking inkwell."
LyC " well I never liked that anyway. I do wish you'd come to bed Charles "
LC " just going to lock up Dotty darling.
Dotty turns and SCREAMS.


Catweazle is standing before her , she faints, he runs down the stairs. Charles is running up , Catweazle quickly hides behinds the curtains covering the stairs window.
Charles runs passed, Cedric runs out of his bedroom. Charles and Cedric pick Dotty up.
LyC " the burglar...."
Cd " what's happened"
LC " it's all been too much for her, she thought she saw the burglar."
LyC " I did see him Charles "
Cedric looks down into hallway, he sees Catweazle creeping out of front door.

At Duck Halt the next day.
Cd " thank you for bringing everything back, well nearly everything."
CW " what does thou mean?"
Cd " what about the inkwell?"
CW " inkwell?"
Cd " hmm, the creepy looking inkwell."
CW " this?"
Catweazle laughs as he shows Cedric the one piece he has kept, a silver inkwell in the shape of a crab!
Cd " sign of the crab?"
CW " aye, sign of the crab."
Cd " and I said no more stealing."
CW " is but borrowed my brother.....until I can fly."

Cedric....Gary Warren
Charles.....Moray Watson
Dotty....Elspet Gray
Catweazle......Geoffrey Bayldon
Mrs Gowdy....Gwen Nelson
Pugh......Derek Francis
Ted.......Ronald Lacey
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