Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Sam quits his farm job after arguing with Carrot's father , and gets a job with a nutty professor type nature watcher who has a caravan in the woods. Catweazle is already aware of this naturalist after spotting him tape recording his minion, the toad Touchwood. Listening at the door of the caravan Catweazle hears a screeching scream. Its a recording of a screech owl but Catweazle runs away screaming
" murder! murder!! Sam has been murdered by the demon"

On to the next episode....


Back to the previous episode....

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Member: Rank 3
Carpenter and Lawrence seem to have come up with a winning combination the last couple of weeks. Introduce a strange character into the mix, throw in some mistaken ideas, and let the fun begin. Though not as clever as last week, I still found lots of good fun in this week’s installment.

This week’s wacky character is Cyril Fitton. His goal in life – to record sounds, mostly animals and birds. People did that for a living back then, when you couldn’t get anything and everything instantly on the Internet. He’s good at it and loves his job to the point of being happy to demonstrate it to everyone else.

Sam’s not as happy with his job and gives Mr. Bennet his notice. Bennet tries to talk him out of it – very badly, unfortunately.

Sam: I’m just no good at farming.
Bennet: Well, that the stupidest thing you ever said.
Sam: Are you calling me stupid?

Bennet ends up firing him, before Sam reminds him he already quit. Sam is getting a job with Cyril, helping him record for a living. He also wants to get stories from various older citizens before that history is lost. “Is your friend an octogenarian?” asks Fitton. “No, I think he’s a Methodist,” replies Sam.

Enter Catweazle. First he saw Fitton with his fancy multi-covered umbrella trying to record sound from Touchwood, CW’s toad familiar. (I did see your note, micheallevenson. Toad it is.) CW is amazed seeing him fold up the umbrella and walk to his home on wheels. Cat thinks it’s some sort of beast and when Sam walks in fears he’s been devoured – especially when he hears Cyril play back the loud scream of a screech owl.

He runs to tell Carrot that Sam is no more. Carrot thinks it’s silly and tries to show him he is wrong. Trouble is he does find Sam’s shoes in the trailer (which Sam had exchanged for some boots). Cyril returns and Catweazle tries in vain to hide. Then the previous silent Touchwood decides to ribbit away and gives away CW’s position. The good news is that when Cat stutters “Sam”, Cyril thinks he that Methodist, I mean octogenarian, he was waiting on and wants to hear his history of long past. Trying to explain his recording system to Catweazle he talks about “winding back,” and Cat thinks it means that he can wind the wizard back in time. But Cat ends up thinking that he has captured Sam on a spool, and when he tries to flee he gets all twisted up in the tape and sets off his various recordings before Cyril cuts him free and he runs.

As I said before, I’m not a fan of destruction comedy, but clearly he was using a fresh reel to record as earlier he had just had Sam talk on it. So all he lost is a few feet of empty tape. No real harm done. The fact that Fitton takes his work so seriously is half the fun. When he heard a plane fly overhead he announced he hates planes because one of them ruined the only recording he had of a yellow-bellied sapsucker. He then tosses a shovel to Sam and said, “Let’s go hide.” “From the planes?” protests Sam. Cyril explained that he meant hide from their next quarry. Honestly, Sam, I was thinking the same thing as you.

What makes this episode so delightful is that we’re used to seeing Carrot tell Catweazle that he’s just imagining things. Here, he goes to tell his Dad that Sam has been murdered and buried, and it’s Mr. Bennet’s turn to tell him he’s imagining things. When he mentions that Sam is probably buried, we see Sam hiding in the camouflaged pit he had dug earlier. I kept expecting Carrot to find him there buried as a punchline, but I guess they couldn’t figure out a way to manage that idea.

Anyway, all’s well that ends well. Sam decides Cyril’s career isn’t a fit for him and Bennet is more than happy to take him back. Catweazle has a little adventure but can only sigh that it’s too back Cyril never got to “wind him back.” Cyril leaves to find sounds in a saner environment.

I’m only disappointed Cyril didn’t get to ask CW about his past and get bizarre responses from a millennium ago rather than the 50 or 60 years he expected. Oh well.

This episode gets 7 volcanoes, which is where Fitton’s former partner apparently met his demise trying to get some recording for Cyril.


Member: Rank 8
A delightful episode, Bernard Hepton as Fitton was very good. He was a favorite actor of mine from this period. Did some sit-com series and was a regular in the wartime drama Secret Army. Poor Catweazle, it must be so confusing for him, so many words he clearly recognises but we mean for something else, such as a tape recorder" head".
Cat at the end gets a piece of tape, and remembering Fitton's words " the tape passes the head ...." etc. Cat sticks it on his forehead and says " now what did the wizard say , passed the head", and is puzzled when nothing happens.
Sam leaving the farm I put down to Bennett's fault because all Sam really wanted to hear was some encouragement from George that he was valued, but instead got a curt, " don't be stupid, farming is all you know" or to that effect. Glad he came back.
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Nice to see Sam getting an episode focused on him somewhat. When I saw the multicoloured umbrella in the woods I thought Colin Baker's Doctor had fainted, thinking he was on Ravalox again. I recognised the actor/Nutty Professor who was under the umbrella, but couldn't place him.

Poor Sam. He just doesn't seem worldly at all. I can imagine him finding himself in a strange country, having been abandoned by the exasperated and shallow professor and realising that he wants to get home, even though he will be returning to a life of hardship and drudgery as a disregarded prole.

Ahh... A case of mistaken identity. The Professor thinks Catweazle is "Wally", Sam's friend.

Another episode where Catweazle is overwhelmed a lot of the time by abject terror.

Clever wordplay, with the Professor saying "I'd like you to take me back in time." "Nay, Master!" "Wilt thou wind me back?"

Not the greatest of episodes. But at least it wrapped up properly. It had a promising premise and I just felt they could have done more with it.



Member: Rank 8
Bernard Hepton starred in Eric Chappell 's pre-Rising Damp comedy The Squirrels, as J.F.
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Member: Rank 3
I'm developing quite a fondness for this show. I didn't watch it as a kid but I find something comforting in sitting down and hearing that cheerful music. I know am going to have a pleasant 20 minutes or so and some laughs thrown in.

Touchwood (every time I type Torchwood and have to go back and correct it) seems to wander great distances. I suspect he wouldn't even get out of Castle Saburac without Catweazle carrying him so it's his own fault he lost him.

When I saw the multicoloured umbrella in the woods I thought Colin Baker's Doctor had fainted, thinking he was on Ravalox again.
Ah one of my favourite episodes. I bought the collectible tin containing the whole season and I loved this episode. I know it has it's flaws but it has so much great stuff, Glitz and Dibber, Katrina of the Free, The L3 and of course UK Habitats of the Canadian Goose by H.M. Stationery Office.

We then get Catweazle's version of "So you think I'm funny, that I amuse you like a clown?"

Sam: I’m just no good at farming.
Bennet: Well, that the stupidest thing you ever said.
Sam: Are you calling me stupid?
Only less sinister. I do wonder is Sam's decision is partly based on the established poor financial management of the farm. He knows finding priceless museum artifacts is a fickle resource stream so he is looking elsewhere for employment.
Sam looks really chuffed when he is talking about giving up his job but he does also look very uncomfortable. This is completely new to him and he is taking a great risk. I thought the acting in this scene was excellent from Sam conveying interest, concern and excitement all in a few minutes.

Catweazle's protection spell in Castle Saburac created a lot of shaking. Was that all from Catweazle spinning around on the floor like a madman or was there some magic involved. If it is the former I think Saburac might collapse at any point, no wonder Carrot hung on for dear life.

Fitton's first question on discovering Catweazle is "You haven't take anything have you?" I took this to mean drugs given Catweazle's simpering but it seems Fitton was just worried about his equipment.

I am intrigued to know what are the awards on the staircase wall. They remind me of one we won when I was in Cubs. Maybe Carrot's dad won them for bowling or cricket or something else stereotypically English country.
Carrot's dad again shows he is more supportive of Carrot. He doesn't necessarily believe his story but is concerned enough to check it out and take his gun with him.

I do wonder if there might come a point where Catweazle doesn't want to go back in time. The more he gets settled in the present with access to food and a nice place to shelter maybe he will come to question why he wants to go back.

Decent episode.
6 structural weaknesses in Castle Saburac, out of 10
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