Information Doctor Who -Tom Baker Years Gallery and EPISODE GUIDE


Member: Rank 8
41. The Keeper Of Traken
Traken is a planet so peaceful and its atmosphere so full of goodness that invading aliens just shrivel up in the atmosphere and die, slowly calcified. One such creature is Melkur, calcified in the grove of the palace. In the tardis the Doctor and Adric are contacted by the Keeper of Traken, a benign being who controls the society on Traken for the good of all. The keeper is mentally linked to an energy source that runs Traken society, and this Keeper is nearing the end of his reign, and fears for the future of Traken. The Doctor arrives on Traken to find the Melkur creature is no longer quite so immobile or in fact dead, but is alive and has mentally taken over Kassia the wife of the next Keeper to be. It's The Master back again, still desperately burnt as he was in The Deadly Assassin, the Melkur creature is actually his tardis, he wants a new body and believes the power of the keepership will get him this. The Doctor and Adric are assisted by Tremas, the Keeper nominate and his daughter Nyssa.

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Member: Rank 8
And finally Tom's farewell story,
42. Logopolis

The Doctor and Adric go to Earth so the Doc can measure a real police box, in order to fix the chameleon circuit on the tardis, so it can change shape as it should do.
After doing this the Doctor discovers
The Master escaped from Traken after discovering a shrunken corpse , the hallmark of The Master. They go to Logopolis where the measurements taken on Earth can be used by the mathematically skilled Logopolitans to repair the tardis. The Master though has hidden his tardis inside the Doctor's and arrives on Logopolis, his aim to conquer it and learn it's terrifying secret. Nyssa of Traken is here , brought by a strange alien figure, to help find her missing father Tremas. She meets him, but he looks years younger, but it is not her father, Tremas is dead, The Master using powers he still had from the keepership of Traken has taken over his body. The big reveal is that the CVE the Doctor went through into E space was created by the Logopolitans to open the Universe up to draw energy from E space to combat increasing entropy...phew ..nearly done. The Master attempts to interfere with Logopolis has destroyed that project, a so The Doctor and Master must team up to save the universe.

And the 4th Doctor becomes the 5th
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