Review Oxygen (2017)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Member: Rank 9

So far this series, this is easily my favourite serial - much better than anything that has gone before. In fact, it is easily a contender for my favourite Peter Capaldi serial - period. It was good to see Nardole was back in the action, Bill was also far less irritating and the Doctor was in fine form too. I find them much more effective when they are all in it together. I think that the three of them play off one another wonderfully.

I also found the setting quite realistically done, considering the obvious limitations of the budget. In fact, I positively loved the visual imagery used in the pre-title sequence. The rest of the serial wasn’t bad either. I thought it was quite a clever twist on the Zombie genre.

And the ending was great. A nice twist - although it wasn’t too hard to see it coming…


Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I just finally watched Oxygen - and thought it was the best episode this season so far.

The four guest actors were competent for once - and Nardole came into his own, actually having a character for once, rather than just being comic relief. Pearl Mackie continues her sterling work. Capaldi starts to truly shine at last, starting to do what I feel to be his best work near the end of his run.
The blindness is an interesting twist. I suspect that he will be blind until the end of his run too.

The metaphor of "suits" was pure sci fi in a good way. The Bill breathing vacuum scene was, I think, the best directed scene in the entire thing.
Overall, I liked it. Will be surprised if next week's is as good though. We shall see.


Member: Rank 8
I just got to see it tonight (due to circumstances beyond my control, work ran very long last Saturday night, and BBC America only plays it twice). I also thought this to be the best of the series, and liked both the commentary on capitalism, as well as the twist on zombies. As for...
The Doctor being blind, I hope this doesn't last till the end. A couple of episodes, okay, but I don't know about keeping him that way for the rest of his run.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I remember the spacesuits being the gimmick and the Doctor being blinded(?) but I can't recall anything else about this show.