Morricone Story Writer Admits ‘Mistakes’
The writer of the recent interview with famed composer Ennio Morricone, the one in which Morricone allegedly badmouthed Quentin Tarantino, has admitted to making ‘terrible mistakes’ in the piece.
Playboy Germany, which published the piece from freelance writer Marcel Anders, says in a newsletter sent to the magazine’s 65,000 subscribers yesterday that the article included the use of quotes taken from previous stories in other outlets.
The magazine dubbed it “an intolerable breach of journalistic ethics” that did not reflect its standards, and apologized to readers “for failing to save you from this farce of an interview”. They go on, saying:
“In our many years of collaboration, this highly experienced journalist, who enjoys a spotless reputation within the industry, has never given us cause to doubt his integrity or his skills. To our dismay, we have now established that sections of the interview published by us do not accurately reflect the words spoken by Mr Morricone.
Mr. Anders has now addressed the accusations himself, and admits to making ‘terrible mistakes’ [including] adding statements made at other times and in other media. Based on the information at our disposal, his actions have resulted in irresponsible inaccuracies at best and, at worst, in intentional deceit.”
The statement did not specify exactly which quotes in the published interview were false or misleading, and the outlet is expected to file a criminal complaint against Anders.