Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour star in Somewhere in Time as two lovers separated by the years, until, one day, they are not...

This film has garnered quite a following from people who take trips to the hotel where it was filmed....

It was based on a Richard Matheson novel...

What do you think of it as a romance?

And what do you think of it as a movie?

And does all the time travel stuff actually add up and make sense?

Nice soundtrack too...

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Where Did the Watch Come From in Somewhere in Time?

At the beginning of the film SOMEWHERE IN TIME, the old lady gives Christopher Reeves' character a watch.....


And later in the film he gives the watch back to her, in her younger days.....


So where did the watch come from?
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