Review Airport (1970)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

Your thoughts on this movie.......

A bomber on board an airplane, an airport almost closed by snow, and various personal problems of the people involved.

On to the next movie.....

AIRPORT 1975......

(Coming soon)
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
For several decades, Bedfordshire-born Arthur Hailey was the popular definition of a successful, immensely popular author. Hailey purportedly sold more than 170 million books with his patented brand of turning stringent research on spheres of life charged with yearning fascination for the public at large—politics, five-star hotels, high finance, and most enticingly, the new age of jet travel. One of Hailey’s earliest successes was a teleplay written for Canadian TV, Flight Into Danger, depicting the chaotic results of an outbreak of food poisoning on a transcontinental airliner; it was quickly adapted into a 1957 feature film called Zero Hour.

Hailey revisited this territory with his 1968 novel Airport, which became a colossal bestseller, informing his readers about a scene quickly becoming mundane and yet still imbued with an aura of romance and exclusivity, thrilling them with the privilege of seeing that world’s inner workings mixed with racy glimpses into the burgeoning sexual revolution as it affected not just the dashing wayfarers of the sky, but also the earthbound functionaries of airport administration. Airport was brought to the big screen in 1970 in the midst of what is seen today as a transformative moment in cinema history, as the old studios were teetering and a new breed of filmmaker was beginning to make headway in the industry.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
An extended look at the similarities between the original 1957 film ZERO HOUR and the more well-known comedy-remake from 1980.



Member: Rank 9
Here is a nice song from Airport 1975.

For some reason, I can't take the scene seriously.
Odd. :emoji_confused:

I can't imagine why...

Actually, I own the AIRPORT series of films on DVD. And as much as it pains me to admit this, I enjoy it each time I watch them... :emoji_anguished:

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Yes, I own it too and have just been doing a rewatch, which prompted this thread.

One has to forget about the AIRPLANE movies before watching them though. Once that is done, I think they still stand up well. Although I have yet to rewatch THE CONCORDE one.

I thought that Helen Hayes as the old stowaway lady in the first one was a delightful character. :emoji_grin:

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I did read about a "Curse of the Airport Movies".

It claimed that each of the actual planes used in each of the four movies was afterwards involved in an accident or collision in real life.