Review The Invasion of Time (1978)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10


Your thoughts on this story....

The Doctor returns to Gallifrey to become the President of the high council of time lords. But Leela finds the Doctor is acting out of character and she is proved correct, when it is revealed that the Doctor has betrayed his own people and is working for Invisible aliens known as the Vardans who have taken control of the citadel and The Doctor has banished members of the high council and Leela to the wasteland outside the Citadel. But the Doctor has his own agenda, he is planning to thwart the Vardans scheme and time-loop their planet. But what the Doctor doesn't know...

On to the next story....


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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
In terms of the novelisation, one of my favourite stories.

Just like the way it rattles along and then that kick of a cliffhanger at the end of part 4.

If only all six parters had been done this way. Skip the padding and end the story on a two part different tangent.

Yes, the realisation is cheaply done on television, but I kind of like this mad Tardis interior that can be anything from a victorian asylum hospital to a swimming pool. It was as if the Tardis had stolen interiors from all different times and places and made them it's own.

I certainly much preferred that loopy, born of necessity, concept than the drab, generic rubbish we got in JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE TARDIS.....
