Review The Whittaker Doctor


Member: Rank 6
73% of the fans loved it? My God how they are trying to manipulate the minds of those unsure as to whether to continue with the show or not!! I can't believe truly that there are many fans happy with that look or the idea of a female Doctor in The TARDIS!


Member: Rank 3
Yeah, I have no interest in watching. If you want female role models then design shows around a female role model. Sticking a female in a male role isn't feminism, it's supplanting male characters with women who act like men. I'm straying off topic just a little but you see this all the time where they cast petite young women in male roles and they beat up guys twice their size. What kind of message does that send to women who are not beautiful and petite? That's not feminism.


Member: Rank 8
Feminism is about rendering gender differences irrelevant not thrusting women forward in some superior manner.
If Jodie plays the Doctor gender neutral that would be a great success. We have to believe this is the Dr, so much that her gender is irrelevant . If her gender is dragged into the stories that would be disappointing. I have no problem with her casting , my concern is how this change is explained, scientifically and of logical necessity without turning the show into a laughing stock. I want to watch it and forget The Doctor is female, The Doctor is The Doctor finito.
This does open up a can of worms though. Presumably the change can work both ways. Perhaps Bradley Walsh will reveal he actually is Romana! No lets not go there.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Someone just e-mailed this edited version to me. Not sure where they found it.

It still doesn't work in my opinion though.



Member: Rank 8
I just find it funny that they've talked about the possibility of a female Doctor for over thirty years now, but now that it's happened, some are acting like it's the end of the world. I agree, her gender shouldn't be the focus, and the writing should go past just "Girl Power, cuz I'm a woman now!". I think Chibnal can handle that. I can completely agree to disagree with anyone. But the folks who bombard social media with negativity just get to me. I think we've all been pretty mature here about not getting vicious. But we're also a pretty cool group.


Member: Rank 3
How do you play a role gender neutral? Why would you? Gender isn't a bad thing.

Honestly I didn't like Matt Smith in the beginning but he grew into the role and just when he was starting to really gain momentum -- they replace him with Peter Capaldi who is a great actor but a terrible Doctor. (That is my opinion and not universal but considering ratings plummeted I think it's a justifiable statement) Capaldi turned me off right away and they somehow broke Clara Oswald who went from one of my favorite companions to one I loathed. I'm really not sure what happened there but I lost interest in the show. And they are going to follow up several bad decisions by hiring a female doctor who looks like she should be on Law and Order and dresses like Mork. If they had brought in a female doctor after David Tennant and she was leading lady material, it probably would have worked. I don't know this actress so maybe I'm underestimating her but my expectation is that ratings will bump a little bit until people sate their curiosity and then it will be a battle to maintain Capaldi's numbers.


Member: Rank 6
I felt the opposite about Smith actually! When I first saw him I thought he was going to be terrific due to his eccentricity in the interview but after a few episodes I realised that Moffat's horrible writing had taken the emphasis away from Smith's interpretation! Especially when they gave him that ridiculous curl in his second series!


Member: Rank 3
Smith's first season wasn't written to him, it was generic Doctor Who and didn't match Matt Smith's youth and energy. His 2nd and 3rd season fit better with his personality. I think they should have kept him one more season, if not two, and skipped Capaldi. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was pretty much the epitome of Matt Smith's Doctor and one of my all time favorite episodes.


Member: Rank 3
I never "got" Doctor Capaldi, could never understand him. Eccleston was edgy, willful, sometimes bitter, but all business and forever moving forward. Tennant was complex: forlorn, dark, regretful, cautiously optimistic, friendly, energetic. Eccleston and Tennant were Doctors who had done wonderful and terrible things. Like good men who had gone to war and come home with a weight they could never shrug off. Smith was the emotional rebirth, happy go lucky, childlike, "Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!" Capaldi was ... ________? Despite loads of energy, emotionally he seemed burdened, tired, weary, like a man with too much grass to mow. An old man whose kids don't come to visit. Capaldi was out of sequence, it didn't make sense after Smith. They jumped from puberty to retiree.


Member: Rank 6
Plus the fact that he couldn't get his own definitive costume as well! And that hoodie outfit was diabolical! The Capaldi years were awful especially with him playing a guitar with a tank behind him in the middle ages!!! Does that sound like Doctor Who the programme we all came to love as children? Pulling Davros out of his chair so he could ride around in it was pitiful to the extreme! If there were crimes against television programmes then Moffat should be locked up for twenty years in my humble opinion!