Review The Leisure Hive (1980)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I remember sitting in front of the telly, back in 1980 and the new theme music coming on unexpectedly.

Then the glossy new storytelling style.

And Tom was suddenly being subdued and serious.

The nadir, the year before, had been Tom's silliness in THE HORNS OF NIMON, what with twanging noises when the Tardis console exploded, so this was a breath of fresh air at the time really.

The music different too, of course.

And little did we know that the weekly was about to go monthly....

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Times were changing for the show.
And for now, at least, I rather liked it.

Some really good quality actors in this story too.

The ending wrapped up very abruptly, as if they suddenly realised they only had two minutes of story left.


Member: Rank 6
For all the criticism John Nathan-Turner has received over the years, the final Tom Baker season demonstrated that he had enough understanding of the show to reclaim the serious side of the Doctor from Tom Baker's ego and the enhanced production values helped bring the show into the (then) modern television era.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

I used to have this album...

One of the tracks on it was the following one from THE LEISURE HIVE, which they also put on the DOCTOR WHO: THE MUSIC album a couple of years later, as below (although the above album did not have the wheezing and groaning Tardis at the start; it just went straight into the music).

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
On reflection I have to unashamedly say that the JNT era of the show is my favourite.

Not a popular thing to say, I know.

But despite it's ups and downs and sometimes appalling mistakes, it was like sushi, something different all the time - in comparison to the McDonalds episodes that we get today.

This is not to knock the Sixties in any way, for that decade runs a very close second. Those two eras are the ones I watch the most, as I find myself neglecting the Seventies.

So yes, I love the Eighties.