Review The Sandbaggers S01E02-A Proper Function Of Government


Member: Rank 8

Burnside has to report that Donald Hopkins, close friend of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Science Adviser is in Vienna, when he should be on a fishing holiday in Scotland. Could he defecting?
Meantime President Lutara, an African leader has executed a British journalist and kidnapped his family which includes a 15 year old girl. Nasty.
The Prime Minister refuses permission to assassinate Lutara, for pacifist ideological reasons. But when KGB agent Boonin, a specialist in picking up defectors is reported in Vienna, it's panic at Downing Street. Hopkins must be returned or assassinated. The chief of SIS is puzzled,
Greenlee (codenamed C) " I don't understand the PM assured me violence is totally against his nature"
Burnside " perhaps you've not understood sir, a murderous lunatic we can't touch, but someone who threatens the government and their perks, instant permission to assassinate"
It's a race to get to Hopkins before Boonin

Back to the previous episode,

On to the next episode
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Member: Rank 8
A solid second episode again showing how SIS is manipulated for government expediency. We meet Wellingham, as we did briefly in episode 1, played by Alan McNaughton, who is Burnside's ex father in law, and the top civil servant in the foreign office. Burnside is desperate to bump off Lutara, he has a deep hatred because Lutara murdered a former SIS sandbagger when Burnside was in the field. Wellingham can fix it to allow him to personally carry out the assassination. Burnside is a guy so obsessed with his job, that he buys ex wife Belinda a bracelet and gives it to Wellingham and suggests he'll give the marriage another go if he's allowed to carry out the job.
Wellingham takes the gift and tacitly agrees Burnside can carry out the assassination.
Later in C's office, Wellingham asks Burnside to go to Vienna to supervise the Hopkins operation. Burnside refuses stating that would undermine Caine's position.
Alone in Burnside's office Wellingham lets rip. The KGB was using Boonin , out of retirement for the Hopkins pickup, Wellingham was backing Neil to do the same, and improve his promotion prospects and he refused.
Wellingham " I want this operation to succeed, I don't want this government to fall. I did you a favour over Lutara. You were prepared to do a mission for your benefit but not mine"
Burnside " I'm not undermining Willie in the field. He deserves better than that"
W " and what do I deserve? I warn you, you lose Hopkins and I'll have you out of that job in 24 hours"
Wellingham is the sort of civil servant who thinks he can control when governments stay or fall.
The ending was a bit pedestrian as Boonin and the Sandbaggers, Willie Caine and Alan Denson, Sandbaggers #1+#3, have a car chase and Boonin ends up going through the windscreen. Hopkins is cornered in a Vienna park by Caine and surrenders.
The final exchange between Burnside and Wellingham is noteworthy.
Burnside " shame about Hopkins"
Wellingham " yes , his nervous breakdown and institutionalization will be reported in due course"
What will really happen to Hopkins we can only guess.
Wellingham hands back the bracelet, still gift wrapped.
Burnside " you didn't give it to her?"
W'ham " Belinda wouldn't like to be bought and sold for favours to SIS. Perhaps you can give it to her"
" don't count on it"
" I won't"
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