Review The TARDIS

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

It really is the most dreary Tardis console room design I have ever seen.

It almost made me pine for Cushing's Tardis......

They almost seem to be ashamed of showing it too. Can the lighting get any darker?
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Member: Rank 9

This is much closer to the spirit of the TARDIS interior than anything we've seen since 1996.

Although a part of me didn't entirely mind the console room from the 1996 production.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I never understood why Classic actors such as Davison, Colin and co. always expressed their jealousy of the new Who Tardis interiors. To me there should always be a white brightness to it. Forget all this mood lighting and junkyard consoles. Or more recently the cheap Fortress of Badly-lit Solitude rip-off approach.

I did like the idea that there were bats living in the Tardis in the 1996 movie. The gothic approach was nice to see, but I did still miss that CASTROVALVA type layout.

And I think the Zero Room should have long since been re-instated......


The TARDIS Nurses the Doctor

The Zero Room

CASTROVALVA (1982)......
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Member: Rank 9
The interesting thing for me while I watched that YouTube clip was the part when he entered the police box and started flicking on that row of switches...

It suddenly occurred to me that there was enough room in there for the sort of control system that was displayed in THE WAR GAMES...

So all we need is a comfortable chair, some fridge magnets and away we go! :emoji_grinning:

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

This was my favourite console of the new era....

Not perfect, but the best of a bad bunch, imo.

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