Review U.F.O. episode 20.Computer Affair


Member: Rank 8
The only episode other than the first where SHADO capture an alien. This is a great episode full of action. A UFO has crashed in Canada, two aliens are on the loose a wooded area. SHADO ground vehicles are sent.
Moonbase Commander Lt. Gay Ellis is grounded on Earth as a disciplinary measure after screwing up in a recent attack on moonbase . Her orders to the SHADO interceptor craft resulted in one craft being destroyed. Why? that's a long story, and the reason is woven into the plot cleverly.
The captured alien is interrogated, but Straker's methods actually result in his trusty second in command Alec Freeman resigning.
The most memorable scenes are the gunfight in the woods between SHADO and the aliens. Nice shot of an alien shot in the face and green liquid pouring out of the space helmet.
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