Review U.F.O.episode 26 ( final episode) -The Long Sleep


Member: Rank 8
A good episode to end with. The story takes place over two time periods. Ten years ago Straker ran down a girl, Katherine Fraser, out in the countryside. Before losing consciousness the girl muttered about UFO and aliens. She slipped into a coma, and TEN years later awakes.
Katherine tells her story to Straker visiting her in hospital.
She and boyfriend Tim hitched a ride to the country, flopped out in a barn, got stoned, ran around the farm crazed out of their skulls, and in the cellar of this derelict farmhouse see two aliens burying something.
Tim, out of his head, grabs a metallic cylinder, and runs off with it. The crazed Tim thinking he can fly leaps off the farmhouse roof, and to his death. The last she saw of Tim his body being dragged to their craft by the aliens. She remembers she had the cylinder when she ran scared from the farm, before being knocked down by Straker. Does this all matter? It was ten years ago.
Yes it matters, the device was a bomb and the cylinder was the detonator. Straker wants it found. And if Tim is dead, why is he working as an orderly in the hospital, still looking as youthful as ten years ago!
A good end to a great series.
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Member: Rank 8

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