Recent content by BruceVail

  1. BruceVail

    Fun Our Early Posts!

    Hi, I'm "Bruce Vail", who used to be on IMDB.....otherwise known as "The CLIVE Fan"....or JS. (g) I'm glad I finally GOT Here!
  2. BruceVail

    Review Colin Clive

    Lafayette, I have ARRIVED! I moved twice during the time when we came to the new site, and was on and off-line until the new Cable Package could be activated. It took seven days tor the first setup, plus an additional appointment, because the first techies neglected to tell me that I had to...
  3. BruceVail

    Review Classic Movies You've Never Seen!

    While I love Vintage Horror films, I have yet to watch the CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON Trilogy. I also avoid a lot of the HAMMER films. Too much emphasis on "bodice ripping", and not enough on really GOOD plots.