Recent content by CoyoteGraves

  1. CoyoteGraves

    Review Awful Remakes?

    I thin I am the only one that likes the Ten Little Indians version with Donald Pleascence and Frank Stallone.
  2. CoyoteGraves

    Fun The Birth of IMDF!

    Yea, the rankings based on post count makes the most sense to me. Thank you for my custom title btw. I love it!:)
  3. CoyoteGraves

    Fun Your Favourite Films?

    In no order: A Fish Called Wanda In Bruges The Big Lebowski Ghost World Chocolat
  4. CoyoteGraves

    Fun The Birth of IMDF!

    I don't think I like that. It seems too cliquey/popularity contest-y.
  5. CoyoteGraves

    Fun Your Favourite Films?

    Ghost World, Battle Royale, and Kill Bill would also be on my favorites list.
  6. CoyoteGraves

    Review Classic Movies You've Never Seen!

    There's a lot of classics I haven't seen. I guess the most "shocking" for everybody would be The Godfather trilogy.
  7. CoyoteGraves

    Fun The Birth of IMDF!

    Can we have custom "rankings"? I would love to have "I'm ugly" as mine.
  8. CoyoteGraves

    Fun Our Early Posts!

    Hello there! I hope we can be friends!o_O