Recent content by Michael9

  1. Michael9

    Fun Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

    I think everything was sa(i)d about ST:Disco. Its not a Trek show, is adjacent. A regression to ST:E how they view the universe and whats right and wrong. The main characters is played as know it all ****H, and not a good kind. Nothing of this oozes Trek, besides over designed sets and...
  2. Michael9

    Fun Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

    I still can't stand the show. Everybody I know who is a Trek fan and watches DS9 or TNG completely every 5 years is unbelievable disappointed by this. This episode had so many cringe worthy moments, for itself and in regard of Trek history/ethics/way-of-though, that I can only takes this with...
  3. Michael9

    Review Dark Matter (2015)

    I still sad about that. I traveled a lot this summer and I rewatched Stargate Atlantis on the road. This show reminded me a lot the first season of it. The team chemistry was pure gold, only surpassed by Farscape in the last season. I can only hope we get closure after the huge cliffhanger, in...
  4. Michael9

    Review The Orville (2017)

    I like the Orville. It hasn't the polish nor the finish of any of the current scifi shows, especially ST:Disco. Maybe they cloned too much to stand on their own footing. Its a newcomer, lets see where they go. But it has the heart of Trek in his core and with the last episode ("Krill"), they...
  5. Michael9

    Fun Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

    The problem with CBS is and was, that it has no clue what to do with the Star Trek property. Voyager's end was 2001, this is 15 years without any visual continuity within the Trek canon. The movies got their own timeline, after JJ Abrams was asked by Paramount if he would like to do Trek after...
  6. Michael9

    Review The Whittaker Doctor

    We don't know, if female timelords even need a bra. I mean, people who can travel trough space should have...a technique to solve this differently. There is an assumption here, that could be construed as "anti-alien" or "aliens are clueless" I'm not comfortable with :emoji_blush:
  7. Michael9

    Review The Whittaker Doctor

    In earlier incarnations, the doctors usually joked along the lines that "sometimes you become female". As a "thing" you have to deal with, with a strong assumption that "The Doctor" was always male. Coming from the canon, I see a consistency there, not to skip the female variant and deal with...
  8. Michael9

    Review The Whittaker Doctor

    From the BBC: I'm very intrigued how Chibnall wants to play this. Unfortunately it will take to next April until the new episodes air :/
  9. Michael9

    Review World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls (2017)

    An overall interesting episode, in a slower season. It seems like the new showrunner wants to start with a clean slate and they gave him the opportunity not only with a fresh doctor, but also with a new sidekick. I would like the stories of the next doctor not be so much earth centric. The...
  10. Michael9

    Review Dark Matter (2015)

    Dark Matter A group of six people awaken in stasis pods with amnesia aboard a starship called the Raza. They have no memories of their identities or their lives before awakening, so they assume the names One through Six, in the order in which they left stasis. They stabilize their vessel and...
  11. Michael9


    Universe was, in my eyes, the weakest. It was "sold" as some sort of "big ship with secrets", and then went a completely different route, tried to be too much Battlestar Galactica. I could have lived with a darker sg series, but some of the episodes where just a no go. Later they even stopped...
  12. Michael9

    Fun Our Early Posts!

    Hello Long time IMDB tortoise :D Checked out some of the other forums, didn't like their look nor the topics there. Most all scifi, odd movies are my thing. Lets discuss :D
  13. Michael9

    Fun Marvel Shared Universe

    There is also this little explanation why Fox is pulling out X-Men movies like no other:
  14. Michael9

    Fun Our Early Posts! I tried some of the others, many of them you don't even get your account approved, either its silently deleted or it hangs there for days. Not a good sign of the community there.
  15. Michael9

    Fun Your Favourite TV Series Finale of All Time?

    I think the best series finale to remember was ALIAS. It was so fitting and perfect.