Review The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (2008)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Your thoughts on this story.....

The return of an old enemy leaves Earth along with 26 other planets stolen from their places. As the Doctor and Donna look for the whereabouts of Earth, former companions of the Doctor assemble a resistance against the new Dalek Empire.

In the wake of Davros' threat to destroy the existence of the Universe itself, the Doctor's companions unite to stop the Dalek empire. Which one will die by the prophecies and what will the fate be for the Doctor?

On to the next story....


Back to the previous story....

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Nice to see Davros back, but the above two scenes are, I think, the highlights of the show. Davros recognising Sarah Jane and Donna's farewell.

The Seeker

Member: Rank 6
Nice to see Davros back, but the above two scenes are, I think, the highlights of the show. Davros recognising Sarah Jane and Donna's farewell.
Donna's farewell was the best part of the episode. The fake regeneration and Rose getting her very own human Doctor, not so much.