Doctor Omega
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  • TODAY'S WATCH: "The Ghost of Frankenstein" (1942):
    TODAY'S READ: Rubbish Superheroes:
    TODAY'S STAR: Paul Darrow:
    TODAY'S WATCH: "Psycho" (1998):
    TODAY'S READ: Magazine Thread....
    TODAY'S WATCH: "Hammer House of Horror" TV show.....
    TODAY'S MOVIE: "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)" So bad it's Great!
    TODAY'S READ: "Flowers For Algernon" - Heartbreaking.
    TODAY'S FILM: Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Underrated.
    TODAY'S FILM: "Alien 3" (1992) - The best one?
    Was STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER just a crazy dream that Kirk had while sleeping round the campfire?
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