News Annette (2020): In Post Production

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10

Director: Leos Carax (“Holy Motors,” “Pola X”)
Cast: Adam Driver, Michelle Williams
Details: “Holy Motors” filmmaker Leos Carax’s first English-language drama, “Annette,” has seen numerous casting changes since it was announced with Rooney Mara, Rihanna and ultimately Michelle Williams all linked to the female lead opposite Adam Driver. The story is described as a musical drama about a stand-up comedian whose opera singer wife is deceased. He finds himself alone with his two-year-old daughter who has a surprising gift. Amazon bought the $15 million project a while back but Carax is taking his time and the film remains stuck in pre-production with only an incredibly slim chance of making it out this year.
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
In post production.....

A stand-up comedian and his opera singer wife, have a 2 year old daughter with a surprising gift.
