Review Black Orchid (1982)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Your thoughts on this story....

The TARDIS arrives in England, 1925, near to where a mysterious, gurgling man has escaped his bonds and started strangling servants. The Doctor is "expected" and taken (along with Tegan, Nyssa and Adric) to the Cranleigh's country estate where The Doctor participates in a cricket match and Nyssa turns out to be the near spitting image of Ann, fiancée of Charles Cranleigh.

On to the next story....


Back to the previous story....


Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I never noticed that the party is taking place in a howling gale and thunderstorm until the cast pointed it out on the commentary!

Again they don't think highly of this story, insinuating that the writer changed an old script to sell it to the Who team. But I think it is a splendid two parter.