Review Planet of Fire (1984)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Your thoughts on this story....

The Doctor and Turlough arrive on Lanzarote to investigate a signal. Turlough rescues American Student Peri Brown from nearly drowning and discovers she has in her possession a data core from Turlough's home planet Trion. The Doctor, Turlough and Peri follow the signal to the volcanic planet Sarn, where the natives worship a fire god known as Logar

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
A shopping list story that made the mistake, I feel, of having Lanzarote as both itself and an alien planet in the story.

I wrote to Anthony Ainley around about this time, asking him about the whole "Won't you show mercy to your own...Aarrghhh" and whether he subscribed to the theory that the Doctor and the Master were brothers. He replied... "The "Won't you show mercy to your own arghhh" was Peter D's idea. It certainly helps to perpetuate the possibility!"

So Davison came up with that line. It certainly isn't in the paperback either. Peter has never publicly claimed credit for it and that fact, so far as I know, has never been documented anywhere else. To my mind it shows what a contributor Davison was back then, as evidenced by his recent FIVE-ISH DOCTORS. There is a very bright brain ticking under that formerly highlighted hair!

Of course, then New Who came along and the Tennant Doctor dismissed the notion of the Doctor and the Master being brothers outright.

Where the hell has Kamelion been all this time? Perhaps studying graphology with Victoria.