Review School Reunion (2006)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Your thoughts on this story.....

The Krillitanes - aliens with a mix-and-match physiology - are trying to crack the 'God-Maker', a paradigm to give them ultimate power. They are using children as a computer, and only the Doctor and Rose, re-united with Sarah Jane Smith and K9 can prevent them from becoming masters of time and space.

On to the next story....


Back to the previous story....

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The Seeker

Member: Rank 6
When Rose and Sarah Jane were going at each other, I was firmly in Sarah Jane’s camp. I was a little disappointed when they made up. And good for Mickey for deciding he wasn’t going to be a tin dog anymore! I never felt like Doctor Who was fair to Mickey. Too bad the writer for “Girl in the Fireplace” didn’t get the memo that Rose was so possessive of the Doctor she resented Mickey coming along. The two of them were dismissive enough of him at the beginning of that episode, though.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I never got the sense that Sarah Jane was in love with the Doctor during the original show.

Not sure about that particular ret-con.

And she must have had her memory wiped of THE FIVE DOCTORS too! :emoji_confused:

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
Having said all that, really liked this scene though.....

Doctor Who - School Reunion - Rose and Sarah Jane talk about The Doctor


The Seeker

Member: Rank 6
True, back then companions weren’t sappy lovestruck puppies who pined and pined after the Doctor until they got a half-human version of him to marry. David Tennant’s doctor was written in such a way that for some reason he attracted women, which puts me off of him a little.