Review The Highlanders (1966)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
The Loose Cannon reconstructions of the episodes have been taken down by BBC Worldwide for some reason.

So, for a change, the missing episodes reconstructions below will be the c.g.i. ones.....
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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I have a feeling that, if this one were found, it might not be all that gripping as a story, but it is valuable, of course, as Troughton still finding his Doctor and the arrival of a certain Highlander.....



Member: Rank 6
I have to say I prefer the still picture reconstructions to those Second Life quality animations. Those are just downright creepy.

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I do prefer to see what was transmitted, even if it is only random frames. At least it is exactly what was on screen.

The animators usually can't seem to resist doing things differently from the telesnaps. One would think they would rotascope the telesnap shots as their first order of business and build up from there. But at least get the telesnaps matching.

But no, they just usually do their own thing.

Artistic licence maybe, but aim to match the broadcast, surely?