Review .....U.F.O. ep.1 IDENTIFIED-


Member: Rank 8
Show made late 60's early 70's, Anderson's first foray into live action.
Earth is under attack from Aliens attempting to carry off humans to their own planet for spare part surgery, as the aliens are sterile from a dying planet. SHADO , Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organization, is located under a film studio, armed with underwater craft, moonbase, Spacecraft, the military SHADO fight back.
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Member: Rank 8
People viewing these UFO threads will notice the episode numbering doesn't match the dailymotion numbering. I have renumbered the episodes to what I regard as the ideal order. The DVD order is the production order which was never intended to be the transmission order, and the dailymotion order was a very confusing nonsensical order copying the London TV order of 1970, which never was shown in that order again. So the order I've got for this series is perfect for anyone wanting to run through the show. Thanks.
Link to next episode,
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