Review The Two Doctors (1985)

Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
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The Time Lords have dispatched the Doctor (in his 2nd incarnation) along with Jamie to a space research station to see Dastari, the Director of Projects, about dissuading two of his scientists from further experimentations on time travel that are rattling the fabric of time. The Doctor is further alarmed over Dastari's latest genetic experiments, boosting the intelligence of a bestial and carnivorous humanoid race called the Androgum. This secondary concern soon proves the greater problem: the Androgum have sided with the Sontarans to take over the station.

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Doctor Omega

Member: Rank 10
I am definitely going with the season 6B theory to cut through the continuity nightmares on display here.

Too long at three episodes imo.

It was, of course between episodes that the postponement of the show for 18 months was announced.

Peter Moffat's direction misses so many opportunities to make this much more special than it is. Such a shame.